Calm by Wellness

We are a community of doctors, scientists, farmers, researchers, and everyday people who have made Calm by Wellness the most recommended Hemp CBD oil in the world. How? With more verified reviews and testimonials than any other brand.
We’re not here to make any medical claims, but let the stories of thousands of customers around the world tell us how they feel, and the difference Calm by Wellness CBD has made in their lives. There’s a difference in our CBD oil. We’ve developed one-of-a-kind formulations with the brightest minds in the industry that actually work.

Our CBD manufacturer has been in business for 5 years and uses domestic hemp grown in Oregon, Colorado and Minnesota. Everything is proudly grown in the USA and extracted using the safer CO2 extraction methods. We’re different because our CBD extract is raw with no toxic solvents used. We grow our own hemp, certified non-GMO, and organic. We use USDA certified seeds.
Our Calm by Wellness CBD products use one-of-a-kind proprietary blend that includes 80+ naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes for a full profile of the hemp plant. We stay true to the plant just like nature and your body intended it. We never use isolates or cheap fillers.

Our laboratory and manufacturing facility is ISO9001 and CGMP certified. The highest level of food grade safety certification possible. We were doing this before it was ever required.
All of our products start off with the highest potency and concentration of any CBD on the market (typically in the 70% to 80% range) grown under the supervision of the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
We’re using high-quality organic fruit extracts for flavoring and triple lab tests all of our products in before they’re blended into individual batches. Every new ingredient undergoes a strict isolation test. We test for pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents.
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