
We're John and Jai, co-founders of Hydrant. Our journey started when both us (John, a scientist, and Jai, a finance consultant) were trying to solve the same problem on opposite sides of the US. After a friend connected us, the rest is history.

Everyday for both of us was plagued by classic burnout—frequent headaches, lack of focus, and low energy. Without knowing it, dehydration had reared its ugly head and controlled our every move. Gallons of water we chugged at our respective jobs couldn’t save us. We needed a new hero.

What do you do when your back’s against the wall? You get to work. Jai dropped out of business school, invested his tuition money, and John threw on his lab coat and experimented to launch our first flavor of Hydrant. And we haven't stopped since. Take that dehydration.
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