
深圳市嗨星管理合伙企业(有限合伙)(Shenzhen Hixing Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) )and the brand Laserpecker was founded with the aim to design and develop innovative technological gadgets. A change in course began after one of the founders received a laser as a gift. He soon became enchanted with its magical power, and his imagination and creativity took flight. As his love for lasers and creating grew, he convinced his co-founders of the market potential for a compact, fast, powerful, and affordable prosumer line of laser engravers. Extensive R&D resulted in the development of an innovative laser engraving technology that, oddly enough, had woodpecker-like characteristics, and it was then that the “LaserPecker” brand was hatched. LP’s award-winning line of Blue Diode and Fiber Lasers and passionate community of dedicated users are all inspired by the love to “Let Your Creativity Fly!”. Visit Website
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